Are you ready to stop letting your past control you?

In just 5 weeks, let go of anger, regret, and the emotional baggage from your past, so you can create the future you truly desire.

Join me for "RADIANT RESILIENCE: Heal your past; Harness your Power!"

You have an Inner Goddess locked inside of you. It’s time to free her and allow her power to radiate.

🌈 Shed the baggage and limiting narratives from your past that you've carried along for way too long.

🌈 Release the patterns that keep repeating over and over again keeping you stuck in ways that no longer serve you!

🌈 Break the barriers that you've built within yourself, blocking you from living your most healthy, happy, and abundant life.

Aparna Raghavan, Creator of Radiant Resilience

If you've ever told yourself...

  • I feel so exhausted carrying everyone's burden.
  • No one understands what I'm going through.
  • Why do I keep doubting and sabotaging myself?
  • I feel like I'm drowning in responsibilities.
  • I just want to be happy and healthy.
  • I feel like I'm back in square one over and over again.
  • I want to stop feeling so helpless.
  • Why do I have to be the strong one all the time?
  • I'm tired of hiding my pain behind a smile.
  • I've forgotten what it is like to be myself.

Then it's time to tap into the power that's already inside of you.



Discover a step-by-step and practical approach to healing your past gracefully at a deep subconscious level, so you can pull out the weeds by the roots.

Say YES! to freeing yourself from the limits and constraints of your past...

... and unlock transformation in your health, happiness, and abundance!

In just 5 weeks you'll discover...

  • Easy-to-implement techniques to identify and release limiting energies that are stuck within you.
  • Strategies to rewire your subconscious at a deeper level and break free from what's holding you back.
  • Simple yet profound energetic tools to unlock your authentic inner strength (even if you don’t feel all that strong at this moment.)
  • A step-by-step and practical process to change your relationship with your past gracefully.
  • A journey with real women on a similar path, for empowering support and transformation.

Results From Past Clients!

Give the Gift of a Better YOU:

To yourself, your loved ones, and to the world!

"This program is so close to my heart now, that I can say that this is the best gift ever I received in my life until now. This program has been an eye-opener, a heart-opener, it has opened up many things for me." ~Kshema Prakash

Kshema Prakash, Participant of Radiant Resilience
Ana Esquivel, Participant of Radiant Resilience

Find Your Tribe: Discover the magic of bonding and the power of connection with like-minded women.

"The feedback I received from the experiences lived by the other participants in the program, many times resonating with my own, extended my perspective. I would definitely recommend it to my friends who are looking to transform their lives into a better and happier version of themselves." ~Ana Esquivel

The 5 Pillars of the Program

Pillar 1: Awareness - Find out what you truly want and discover the blocks stopping you from getting there.

Pillar 2: Emotional Freedom - Identify and Release your Emotional Baggage. Transform them into a positive influence on your subconscious.

Pillar 3: Releasing Limiting Beliefs - Shift out of your negative thoughts and patterns. Reframe them to move forward with your power.

Pillar 4: Letting Go and Forgiveness - Release the lingering poison of anger and regret so you can finally be free from the chains of the past!

Pillar 5: Loving Yourself - Love who you are, just as you are. Feel lighter, clearer, and more connected with who you are. Also, enjoy relief from physical pain and stress!

Be the next inspiring success story!

"The biggest transformations I experienced from this program are that I found my happiness anchor. The journey within made clear to me that I am whole, complete, and enough to keep myself brimming with happiness, and radiating confidence. I need not look for external support for being happy. I learned how to get clarity in my thoughts when in dilemma or confusion. I am glad to have stepped back on track for re-establishing my connect with self and the divine. I found Aparna's personal attention, hand-holding, and continuous guidance very valuable."

- Kshema Prakash

"I just finished this program and I wanted to say I loved it. This has become so much bigger for me. The evolvement of me which was meant to be, it came at such a pivotal point in my life where I was struggling with my identity, my kids are getting older, like what was I doing, and how do I fulfill my own needs and my own wants and desires besides motherhood. So it really came at a perfect time. I loved everything about it. I loved the size of the videos. Everything was so absorbable. You know the length of them, the assignments, you know nothing seemed overwhelming."

- Maggie

"The biggest transformation with this program was that I learned to identify the obstacles within me that were hindering change. My favorite part has been to release those trapped emotions and limiting beliefs. Also that there are powerful phrases that help me promote these changes. The feedback I received from the experiences lived by the other participants in the program, many times resonating with my own, extended my perspective.

Overall, it has been wonderful to learn under the guidance of our wonderful Aparna, such a warm and loving friend, for whom I am very grateful."

- Ana Esquivel

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there any past trauma that is too severe for this program to address?

The program will guide you in choosing the right trauma to release through this step-by-step process. It will meet you where you are at this point in your life, and help you in releasing the trauma that YOU are ready to let go of, without forcing you to unpack something that you are not ready to.

  • Will the change I experience through this program be permanent?

The goal of this program is to get to the energies that are blocking you at a deep subconscious level, so you can release them from the very root. Participants often experience life-altering shifts through this process that changes their perspective and opens up a whole new way of living!

  • I know what I need to do to change, but I haven't been able to do it. How will this program help me?

Trying to think your way out of your patterns can only get you so far. What you have accumulated over the years through your past experiences can influence you unconsciously, keeping you repeating those patterns. This program will give you the opportunity to shine light on those aspects that are hiding and lurking within you, so you can shift your auto-pilot to move you in the direction that you want to go forward in.

  • My schedule is very busy. How can I find time for a 5-Week program?

The program is organized into 5 modules. For the duration of the 5 weeks, you will receive one module each Monday, with 5-6 short videos, each video only about 5-15 mins in length. You can watch these short videos at your convenience during the week. The total content for each week is less than an hour! Participants who have taken it before have found it easy to fit the program into their busy schedules specifically due to the bite-sized content and the micro-learning structure of it.

  • Is this a self-study or do-it-yourself program?

The beauty of this program is in it's hybrid nature. On Monday of each week you will receive the content for that week's module. You can review the content on your own and complete the guided transformative exercises in each module at your convenience. However, we will also meet LIVE for a mentoring call every Thursday for the duration of the program. In this LIVE call, we will connect as a group and address any questions that may arise. Each call will also end with a group energy healing. The program also comes with access to a PRIVATE exclusive community to connect and share with other participants over the course of the 5 weeks. This collective journey has been a huge catalyst for transformation for our participants in the past.

  • What if I cannot attend the LIVE Mentoring Calls?

Every LIVE call is recorded and access to the recordings is made available within 24 hrs so you do not miss any of the golden nuggets that come up in these calls! The group energy healing at the end of the call always includes all participants of the program, irrespective of their virtual presence on the call - so you receive the healing even if you have to miss a call!

  • Will I lose access to the content if I don't finish the program on time?

You will receive LIFETIME access to all the videos in this program - including the LIVE Mentoring calls! Our participants from the past have found that even when they complete the program with huge transformative results, they are thrilled to have ongoing access to guide them in transforming different areas or situations in their lives as the need arises! One of our participants said: "It’s kind of like a program that keeps giving, you know, as much as you want to utilize and come back to it. I think that part of it is awesome too! I know I can come for as many refreshers as I need.”

  • I sometimes start programs like this but don't finish it. How will this be different?

The program is designed to be step by step and easy to implement. The weekly calls are intended to meet you where you are and help support you in moving forward. The group energy with like-minded women on a similar journey is contagious and uplifting. You will have an opportunity to find a buddy within the group of participants to partner with - to support and keep each other accountable. There's also prize drawings every week for participants who complete the transformative exercises and post answers on our EXCLUSIVE private group! There are PLENTY of motivating factors to help you along the way, all you need to do is commit to showing up for yourself!

About Aparna Raghavan

Aparna, a highly trained Energy Practitioner certified in Body Code, Emotion Code, and frequency healing, is the visionary creator of the Radiant Resilience program. Her own incredible healing journey inspired her to empower women in unlocking their true potential by shedding their past and renewing their purpose.

With a unique blend of logic and magic from her Math and Computer Science background, coupled with deeply intuitive skills, Aparna has facilitated transformative mind-body-soul journeys for hundreds of women over 7+ years. Her mission is to guide thousands of women embark on a profound metamorphosis to transform deep-rooted scars into strength and discover the extraordinary within themselves.


PH: +1 571-406-7924
